When I was about eleven years old, I used to look forward to visiting my grandparents in Berkley California. My Grandmother was a wonderful person, who was an incredible cook, played piano, and was the sweetest thing ever. My Grandfather was also wonderful and was the Dean of Engineering at UC Cal Berkley. And I used to enjoy going up there and talking about the aircraft, computer science, and kinds of things he was designing. I would also talk about their garden with my Grandmother and work on it with my Grandfather.
I recently found in a box some letters from my grandmother, to me when I was eleven years old. I wanted to share them because I had given her garden advice about her azaleas, about the blackberries, about her fruit trees... um from where... I have no idea. I think I may have seen something on a T.V. show or... I don't know. My Dad may have shown me things in our garden and I shared them with her. So she wrote me some letters about how it had effected positively their garden in Berkley.
Anyway it was kind of neat to think that some how maybe her support and encouraging words made me feel like I could have a business in landscape; as strange as that may sound. So here are these letters from my Grandmother and Grandfather.
Today is a special day for me because the California Landscape Contractors Association Awards dinner is this evening. It's in Anaheim at the Disneyland Hotel and I submitted The Smith garden and The Schwartz Garden. I'm excited to go with my son and on-site team. We'll keep our fingers crossed.
Thanks again and we'll keep you posted